Keep Up With The Upkeep. Travel Trailer Repairs
After recently picking up our new Keystone Hideout 27DBS, we noticed a few things that needed to be repaired.
During our first shakedown trip to Prophetstown State Park we saw the sacrificial anode/water heater drain plug was showing signs of decay and needed to be replaced. I contacted Walnut Ridge RV located in New Castle , Indiana. Walnut Ridge was listed on the Keystone RV website and they kept popping up on my social media feeds. I messaged them on a Saturday and got a response within a few minutes. Tricia in parts began messaging me on Monday. I ordered the parts and had them delivered to my house a few days later. That’s good customer service.
The second part I needed was the outside door / vent to the hot water heater. The door does not have a hinge and apparently it had blown off when the previous owner was pulling it home. We ordered the door from Walnut Ridge also. Had it shipped to our house and installed it last Saturday. If you notice water running out below the door… Tricia from Walnut Ridge RV recommended I drain the water heater after every use. Especially if we were going to be between trips for any length of time. She explained the water can become stale and smelly if left stagnant and can be very difficult to get rid of the smell. Thanks Tricia from Walnut Ridge!
The take away from these two repairs… Keep up with the upkeep. Get things fixed right away before they turn into major issues. We want our home on wheels to last a long time and maybe one day bring another family joy if we ever decide to upgrade.
What repairs have you made? Please share your RV or Travel Trailer stories. We would love to hear them and maybe one day we will invite you to be on our podcast. Thanks for visiting Go Travel Trailer.